Bábolna Nemzeti Ménesbirtok


Founded in 1789, the Bábolna has been a major location for horse breeding in Hungary throughout the whole period of its existence. The stud is famous for its stallion “Shagya” who was imported from Syria in 1836, following a major expedition organised by Eduard Herbert. Besides the pure-bred Arabian stock the Bábolna Arabian breed developed by the middle of the 1800s, which has become known as the Shagya-Arabian breed all over Europe since it was recognised as an independent breed in 1978.

In 2001 a state-owned company was established under the name of Bábolna National Stud Ltd. in order to preserve the historic building complex, which is part of the Hungarian cultural heritage and the Arabian Stud, which has been declared an indigeous Shagya Arabian breed by Hungarian Parliament. The company has some priority responsibilities such as to be at the forefront of horse breeding, in the training of horsemen, to organise races and professional exhibitions as well as conferences, and to present all this to the domestic and international public through tourism.

Bábolna Nemzeti Ménesbirtok

Mészáros út 1
2943 Bábolna

Internet: www.babolnamenes.hu
E-Mail: menesbirtok@babolnamenes.hu, info@arablo.hu, rombauer55@gmail.com

Bábolna is divided into the Arabian Stud and the Thoroughbred Stud Dióspusztai which was founded in 1912 and is located at Bábolna since 1962. Nowadays Bábolna is counting a total number of 268 horses with 19 sires and 51 brood-mares as well as draught horses, geldings, sport horses, foals and weanlings. The studs at Bábolna and Dióspusztai offer the possibility to stable horses for external people and provide services like foaling, trimming, shoeing and veterinary service. It is also possible to purchase horses at both studs.

Outstanding sights are the stud farm yard, the two stables one of which is for the stallions, the other one for the mares. One can also visit the manege, which is considered to be the most beautiful of its kind in Hungary, the coach museum and the horse museum. It takes a short walk to the Botanical Gardens, which were established in 1965, where besides interesting plants one can also see some indigenous Hungarian domestic animals. Visitors who want to spend several days riding or travelling by coach may find accommodation at the Imperial Guest House located in the historical stud yard.