The documentary film “Riding Through History” by Alyssa Mathews was selected as the winner in the category “Equestrian Documentary International” at the “Equus International Film Festival 2024”. The film is about five ESSA member studs “State Stud Marbach” (Marbach),...
On September 29, October 3 and 6, 2024, ESSA member and Germany’s oldest state stud farm, the Marbach Main and State Stud, hosted a horse festival for the whole family. A total of 21,100 visitors came to Marbach over the three days to experience horses as a...
ESSA Quadrille at the “Messe Pferd Bodensee” 2024 At the past horse fair in Germany “Messe Pferd Bodensee”, in February 2024, the ESSA members from Germany, the Schwaiganger State Stud and the Marbach State Stud and from the Czech Republic,...
After the ESSA Annual General Assembly was held for the last time in 2019 at the Mezöhegyes National Stud due to the pandemic, the ESSA members were very happy to meet again and have a professional exchange. From 23 to 24 October 2023, a total of 14 participants from...