The documentary film “Riding Through History” by Alyssa Mathews was selected as the winner in the category “Equestrian Documentary International” at the “Equus International Film Festival 2024”.
The film is about five ESSA member studs “State Stud Marbach” (Marbach), “Lipica Stud Farm” (Slovenia), “Ypäjä Equine College” (Finland), National Stud Flyinge” (Sweden) and ‘Coudelaria de Alter Real’ (Portugal) and can be viewed at the following link
Alyssa and her team’s goal is to share amazing horse breeds with the world and inspire others to follow their dreams!
DiscoverTheHorse has been featured on ABC’s Right This Minute, Jeopardy, Equitana, Horse Illustrated, Young Rider, Ariat, Cowboy Magic & Horses in the Morning. The videos have been distributed worldwide.
When the project is complete, it will be a world record and the largest project of its kind in horse training! DiscoverTheHorse can be found on Instagram at (@discoverthehorsequest) and on Facebook at (@discoverthehorse).
The EQUUS INTERNATIONAL Film Festival is the world’s leading venue for award-winning equine films, including documentaries, feature films, narrative and non-fiction films, news, music videos and new media dealing with equine issues.