Mezöhegyes State Stud


Nemzeti Ménesbirtok és Tangazdaság Zrt. National Stud Farm
Traition, innovation, national heritage and high-tech agriculture

The company

Founded in 1784 the National Stud Farm is one of the oldest complex agricultural companies in Europe. Modern agriculture on 10 000 ha land, of which more than 8000 ha are arable and the preservation of equine genetics and horse breeding and training for sport are our main goal. The dairy farm with brand new stables, robotic milking and high-tech informational technology for collecting process related data is one of our pilot projects guiding us into the sustainable future. Along with the preservation and cultivation of the traditional values, our goal is to establish the most advanced Hungarian agricultural company, moreover one of the state-of-the-art agricultural facilities of Europe.

Mezöhegyes State Stud

Kosma F. u. 30
5820 Mezöhegyes

The greatest Hungarian precision irrigation system development investment project of the last 30 years has taken place here in Mezőhegyes on our lands. The result: 5 171 ha equipped area, 4 new pressure centers, 81 brand new precision farming compatible equipments among them VRI (variable rated irrigation) center pivots and machinery for the distribution of liquid animal manure. On our diary farm we have built two brand new buildings equipped with 8 SAC milking robots, on the roof is installed on the 800 KW power plant. Our greening strategy is based on innovation, investment in modernization, sustainable restructuration of traditional farming.